I work with individuals, executive teams and crowds full of energetic hopefuls to inspire ideas and solve big problems. Inspiring people to discover big ideas and realize their full potential takes a little bit of magic and the ability to expand possibility. If you want to know more about how I can do this at your next meeting or event, just click here to send me a quick message about how we can connect.
HOW IT WORKS : By developing unique ideas, leadership teams, products and real estate that operate efficiently to provide the best experience possible. Mostly, I work with brands and seed stage start-ups to find unique solutions for marketing, monetization and sales problems.
PAST WORK : I’ve worked with big global companies such as BMW, Land Rover, Century 21 and many smaller individuals and organizations. I have had front row seats to the many poorly executed ideas and failed ideas people and companies are wrestling through. You won’t see some show reel or brag page of my work, and for good reason. I am the one who carries the lamp to the path unseen. I am the person you hire to create the spark, ignite the fire, weed through the mess and point others in the right direction. My purpose is to ensure the credit stays with the brand, that my involvement inspires innovation. But, if you really want to hear some of the details of who i’ve worked for, I’ll share that in confidence when we have the opportunity to connect.
Most of my current projects and ventures can be followed here or through Webster + Company, the evolution of “Collide Brand Partners”, a brand positioning and strategy company I built over a decade while pioneering concepts like “Conditional Branding”, “User Experience” and “Co-Working Space” long before anyone with access to Google started proclaiming themselves pseudo experts in these fields.